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Hey, I'm Kaitlyn.
Student. Researcher. Creator.
Welcome to my personal portfolio...
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I'm currently a senior at the University of Pittsburgh studying Chemistry on the Bioscience track. I'm planning on graduating in May 2022. Outside of class, I can be found working in the Study Lab, or in Chevron Science Center. I spend a lot of my time on campus in the Study Lab tutoring students in general chemsitry classes. In Chevron, I work with graduate students doing research studying the subject of materials chemistry. Often, I can be found synthesizing or characterizing nanoparticles for different projects. In the past, I've been involved in the student service organization Circle K and even served as secretary for 3 years. This organization is centered around service, leadership, and fellowship, with a focus on planning various volunteer events throughout the Pittsburgh community.

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I've always been interested in learning new things and understanding how exactly a process works, which is definitely what led me to pursue chemistry research. Everyday involves either performing a new experiment or learning something new from an old experiment! I'm particularly interested in the fields of nanotechnology and environmental chemistry. In the past, at the University of Pennsylvania, I worked with the Osuji group studying the synthesis and characterization of microfibers. At the University of Pittsburgh, I'm currently working with the Millstone group studying nanomaterials, with a focus on photoreactor-synthesized nanoparticles and the effect reducing agent on particle structure. After graduation, I will pursuing a career in research, working as an R&D Chemist for The Chemours Company.

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Art and Media

I'm able to explore my more creative side by producing (and consuming) art and media. In my digital media class, I gained experience in audio design and narratives through Audacity, visual editing through GIMP, and web developing. In my free time, I've found a particular interest in the horror genre, whether its books, movies, TV shows, or video games, with slashers holding a special place in my heart. Because of this, one of my favorite things to do when bored with friends is to make a short, spooky horror film, emulating some of the styles we've seen on screen. I've also become interested in writing horror screenplays and short stories. Another hobby I enjoy is painting, particularly on denim. Since March 2020, I've painted three denim jackets.

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Visit My GitHub repo for a full list of sources used on this site!